Watching satellite TV can be frustrating if your dish isn't correctly positioned. If you think... On a regular day I can watch my TV, but when the rain comes.. I see freezes and spikes on the television.. then the chance is that your dish isn't tuned optimal (otimizing it add a few dB). Adjusting your dish with one or two satellites isn't rocket science.. Put your receiver on a weak channel and...
- Press Menu
- Press Setup
- Press Service searching
- Press Satfinder
Watch your singnal strength If the SNR is higher than 5.6db.. you have a picture.. But.. the signal is extremely poor. How higher the SNR, the better the signal condition is during poor weather.
If you have a complex satellite system, then tuning isn't easy. Semi profession equipment is then needed to complete the task.
Here are some price friendly products on the market.
- Amiko Satfinder - Witch only have a signal strength meter. (Price approx 10 euro).
- Satlink Satmeter WS-6906 (Price approx 70 euro)
- Xsarius Satmeter HD Easy - Witch have a full display (Price approx 100 euro)
- Xsarius Satmeter HD Easy Pro - Witch have a full display with a spectrum analyser (Price approx 200 euro)