Plugin Wiki:Refresh Bouquet

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Plugin Wiki-RefreshBouquet-008.png

First install the plugin then run plugin – either from the Plugins or from within the Channel selection (blue button) and select RefreshBouquet:


  • Select bouquet(s) - set one as source (Yellow) and set one as target (Blue). For clear source/target selection use 0.


(note: for „4“ Remove...and "6" Move ... is enough source bouquet only)

  • then use Green or Menu and select action (note - for some items it's enough to use the selector in bouquets list):


1 - Manually replace services:

-you can replace any target service with any service from source bouquet (usually - Last scanned, fresh fastscan's bouquet)


select target service (OK), select source service (OK), then press „Replace“ ( Blue) ... repeat as you need ... ... on finish use „Apply and close“ (Green) and select Yes/No


  • toggle source/target lists with Bouq+/Bouq- or you can set there in plugin’s setting: Auto toggle in manually replacing to Yes.
  • toggle with Prev/Next button trying to find target service name in source bouquet - it trying set cursor in source to with:
    • same name or case insensitive same name or partial match or same first letter. If is nothing founded, cursor is set to first item in source.
    • note - for cases, when is same first letter found only, it is better sort source list ('Menu' button).
  • then „Ok“ select the service and automatically toggles to the opposite list.
  • preview (Yellow) ... preview service under selector there in PIG
  • Preview on selection - automaticaly preview service under selector
  • in source list display missing services only ... there in Settings is Missing source services for manually replace only ...

2 - Add selected services to target bouquet

- you can set and copy service(s) from source bouquet to target bouquet with OK select (or unselect) services, then press „Copy selected“ (Green) and select Yes/No


3 - Add selected missing services to target bouquet

same as ad 2), but in source list are displayed services missing in target only - it spend more time before displaying list due filtering services. Is possible put selected missing services into target bouquet (Yes) or newly can be this services copied into new bouquet (Yes, to new bouquet...). The query for the name of the new bouquet follows in the next step.

4 - Remove selected services in source bouquet

- you can set and remove service(s) from bouquet seelcted as Source with OK select (or unselect) services, then press „Remove selected“ (Green) and select Yes/No


5 - Refresh services in target bouquet

- it searches all target’s service names there in source bouquet ( bouquet created by Fastscan) and if there exists a service with same name and has different parameters than in target, then it is placed into the list. User then can select service(s) for replacing parameters. It could take some time before displaying the list, due to a lot of comparing... Usually, for refresh bouquets created from fastscan scanning

6 - Move selected services in source bouquet

- you can move selected service(s) in bouqet selected as Source. Select (or unselect) services with OK, then move cursor to new position and press „Move selected“ (Green) and confirm with Yes/No. Selected services will be moved top new position. note: If you want using it without confirmation, then there in settings set item „Confirm services moving“ to No.


7 - Create 'bouquet.rbb' file

Create .rbb file from existing selected bouquet.

  • from source bouquet if source and target bouquets are selected or if source bouquet is selected only.
  • from target bouquet, if target bouquet is selected only).
  • rbb file is list with service_name:orbital_position.
  • rbb files are saved in /etc/enigma2 ... work autobackup for it.

This rbb files can be used for restore bouquet in future or on next machine.

8 - Create bouquet from rbb.file

Select source bouquet and then select this option and choose .rbb file from list

  • select source (usually Last scanned - but it can be any existing bouquet)
  • select 'Create bouquet from rbb.file' in menu and in list select wanted .rbb file (here can be .rbb files renamed or erased too)
  • then is created list, where are:
    • all existing services (are selected automaticaly)
    • found duplicities (are not selected, but can be)
    • missing services in source with "---" prefix
    • N/A as "unknown"

User can to use 'preview' (Yellow) to decide whether the services selection is correct and will be placed to target bouquet. User can select missing services (with prefix '---' too) and place these missing services into target bouquet too. it is usable for next finalize in "Manual replace" Green button will create bouquet with all selected items, close or red create empty bouquet only.

9 - New bouquet

Create new empty bouquet (bouquet name is entered in next step by virtual keyboard).

10 - Remove bouquet "under selector"

Remove bouquet under selector (with backup as .del).

11 - Settings...:


Note: In all services lists (except 'Manual replace', it has own item in Settings...) is possible select sorting with 'Menu' button and is possible use group selection with Ch+/Ch- too.