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Watching satellite TV can be frustrating if your dish isn't correctly positioned. If you think... On a regular day I can watch my TV, but when the rain comes.. I see freezes and spikes on the television.. then the chance is that your dish isn't tuned optimal (optimizing it adds a few dB). Adjusting your dish with one or two satellites isn't rocket science.. Put your receiver on a weak channel and...

  1. Press Menu
  2. Press Setup
  3. Press Service searching
  4. Press Satfinder


Watch your singnal strength If the SNR is higher than 5.6db.. you have a picture.. But.. the signal is extremely poor. How higher the SNR, the better the signal condition is during poor weather.

If you have a complex satellite system, then tuning isn't easy. Semi profession equipment is then needed to complete the task.

Here are some price friendly hardware products on the market.

  • Amiko Satfinder - Witch only have a signal strength meter. (Price approx 10 euro).
  • Satlink Satmeter WS-6906 (Price approx 70 euro)
  • Xsarius Satmeter HD Easy - Witch have a full display (Price approx 100 euro)
  • Xsarius Satmeter HD Easy Pro - Witch have a full display with a spectrum analyser (Price approx 200 euro)

Others Satfinder solutions

You can also use apps on your smartphone or tablet to help you line out your disk. Here are some that you can give you "live" SNR signal readout's and aid you in the line-out of your dish.

  • dreaMote (in the app goto the Settings tab and then set the interval to instant)