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(OpenPLi 9.0 - Migrated to Python 3)
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'''OpenPLi 6.0'''
<u>Major releases</u> (like 8 => 9) you must flash, preferably using the [[Installation#Flash_from_the_Menu_.28FlashImage_support.29|'''menu''']] and choosing the backup option, then everything is restored after the flash. When there is no Hard disk present use an USB stick.
<u>Minor releases</u> (like 8.1 => 8.2) are updates, so updating will suffice!
OpenPLi is proud to present the next release of our image, OpenPLi 6.0. A lot has changed since OpenPLi 4, so we made a releasenote with all the changes.  
OpenPLi 5 was not released to the public, because we used it for our development to make OpenPLi 6. The images can be downloaded at: https://openpli.org/download
=='''OpenPLi 9.0''' - Migrated to Python 3==
<small>Release date 23 October 2023</small><br/><br/>
Hello <span style="color:Green;font-size: 100%">'''{{CURRENTUSER}}''', <br/>
We are exited to announce the release of OpenPLi 9.0. As this is a [[Upgrading#How_and_what_on_upgrades | <span style="color:SteelBlue">major release</span>]] <u>flashing</u> is required. With this version we switched to Python version 3 and it was build with a new OE version, as said flashing is needed, so you can not update to get to version 9. Flashing is preferably done from the [[Installation#Flash_from_the_Menu_.28FlashImage_support.29 | <span style="color:SteelBlue"> menu</span>]].
Please note, that with the migration to Python 3, not all the plugins will be available in the OpenPLi 9 feeds, this due to them not being actively maintained (Python 2) and could cause a crash, so they were removed. If you get them from the internet, check carefully in advance whether it is a version suitable for Python 3!
With this release there is new stuff and of course many improvements and it is now available for download at [https://openpli.org/download<span style="color:SteelBlue">OpenPLi</span>]. So come and follow the link below and have a look at the release notes of OpenPLi 9.0 to see what has changed.
[[Releasenotes-9.0|See the releasenotes]]
=='''OpenPLi 8.3''' - Last minor, but not least==
<small>Release date 18 september 2022</small><br/><br/>
Hello <span style="color:Green;font-size: 100%">'''{{CURRENTUSER}}''', <br/>
We are exited to announce the release of OpenPLi 8.3 As this is a [[Upgrading#How_and_what_on_upgrades | <span style="color:SteelBlue">minor release</span>]] <u>updating</u> will suffice.
This is the last version that is compiled using Python 2, we will officially retire Python version 2, and switch to Python version 3 for next releases.<br/><br/>
With this release there is new stuff and of course many improvements and it is now available for download at [https://openpli.org/download<span style="color:SteelBlue">OpenPLi</span>]. So come and follow the link below and have a look at the release notes of OpenPLi 8.3 to see what has changed.
[[Releasenotes-8.3|See the releasenotes]]
=='''OpenPLi 8.2''' - Seasoned and improved==
<small>Release date 22 May 2022</small><br/><br/>
Hello <span style="color:Green;font-size: 100%">'''{{CURRENTUSER}}''', <br/>
We are exited to announce the release of OpenPLi 8.2 As this is a [[Upgrading#How_and_what_on_upgrades | <span style="color:SteelBlue">minor release</span>]] <u>updating</u> will suffice.
With this release there is new stuff and of course many improvements and it is now available for download at [https://openpli.org/download<span style="color:SteelBlue">OpenPLi</span>]. So come and follow the link below and have a look at the release notes of OpenPLi 8.2 to see what has changed.
[[Releasenotes-8.2|See the releasenotes]]
=='''OpenPLi 8.1''' - A bit too late ==
<small>Release date 20 august 2021</small><br/><br/>
So we are pleased to announce the release of OpenPLi 8.1. Due to issues with the version database on our build server farm when doing a major hardware upgrade, you <span style="color:SteelBlue">MUST</span> flash this version. If you update an existing 8.0 image, the result is undefined, due to incorrect package versions.
[[Releasenotes-8.1|See the releasenotes]]
=='''OpenPLi 8.0''' - Eight is great==
[[File:OpenPLi 8.jpg|frameless|right]]
<small>Release date 30 december 2020</small><br/><br/>
So we are pleased to announce the release of OpenPLi 8. As this is a [[Upgrading#How_and_what_on_upgrades | <span style="color:SteelBlue">major release</span>]] it was build with a new OE version and flashing is needed, so you can not update to get to version 8. Flashing is preferably done from the [[Installation#Flash_from_the_Menu_.28FlashImage_support.29 | <span style="color:SteelBlue"> menu</span>]].
With this release there is new stuff and of course many improvements and it is now available for download at [https://openpli.org/download<span style="color:SteelBlue">OpenPLi</span>]. So come and follow the link below and have a look at the release notes of OpenPLi 8 to see what has changed.
[[Releasenotes-8.0|See the releasenotes]]
=='''OpenPLi 7.3''' - Fine tuning a seasoned image==
[[File:OpenPLi 7.3.jpg|frameless|right]]
<small>Release date 15 july 2020</small><br/><br/>
Already in it's 4th fase, OpenPLi 7 has been fine tuned and we are pleased to announce this latest release of OpenPLi. Now it is available for download at [https://openpli.org/download<span style="color:SteelBlue">OpenPLi</span>]. So come and follow the link below and have look at the release notes of OpenPLi 7.3 to see the highlights of what has changed.
[[Releasenotes-7.3|See the releasenotes]]
<br clear=all>
=='''OpenPLi 7.2''' - Higher and better==
[[File:OpenPLi 7.2.png|frameless|right]]
<small>Release date 7 December 2019</small><br/><br/>
We are pleased to announce the latest release of OpenPLi and it is now available for download at [https://openpli.org/download<span style="color:SteelBlue">OpenPLi</span>]. As of this version, new in the release notes are the details on driver updates per vendor. So come and follow the link below and have a look at the release notes of OpenPLi 7.2 to see the highlights of what has changed.
<u>There were release updates on 2<sup>nd</sup>  and one on 23<sup>rd</sup> march of 2020, these have bugfixes and introduces new images for the Octagon SF8008 and Edision OS Mini 4K, further details are in the release notes link below </u>
[[Releasenotes-7.2|See the releasenotes]]
<span style="color:Red;font-size: 100%"><u>Attention!!</u><br/>
*Due to a server hardware crash the 7.0-release and 7.1-release images were lost
*Due to the fact all 7-release images share the same feed, only the last version can be build and that is 7.2
*If you are currently on OpenPLi 7.0 or 7.1, DO NOT USE software update, but use the "Flash Image" menu option!
<br clear=all>
=='''OpenPLi 7.1''' - Better than 7==
[[File:OpenPLi 7.1.jpg|frameless|right]]
<small>Release date 22 June 2019</small><br/><br/>
Adding support for the Vu Duo4K, the Gamma Curve and a few more, also more functionality added; like multiboot for certain receivers. So come and follow the link below and have look at the release notes of OpenPLi 7.1.
<u>Note:</u> Combined tuners must be reconfigured after an update or flash. This is due to improving tuner management, which is not fully backwards compatible. Tuners that can work 'combined' are therefore 'default' disabled here.<br/>
[[Releasenotes-7.1|See the releasenotes]]
<span style="color:Red;font-size: 100%"><u>Attention!!</u><br/>
*Due to a server hardware crash the 7.0-release and 7.1-release images were lost
*Due to the fact all 7-release images share the same feed, only the last version can be build and that is 7.2
*If you are currently on OpenPLi 7.0 or 7.1, DO NOT USE software update, but use the "Flash Image" menu option!
<br clear=all>
=='''OpenPLi 7.0''' - Many improvements==
[[File:OpenPLi 7.png|frameless|right]]
<small>Release date 13 January 2019</small><br/><br/>
Support for the Gamma Curve (aka SDR/HDR/HLG), changes to Samba, Fallback tuner possibilities extended, support for many Wifi USB chipsets, bugfixes and introduction of new features.
With this release:
* OpenPLi 6.x has been declared end-of-support. It will no longer receive any bugfixes. Channel lists, transponder XML's and picons will be updated on a weekly basis, until it becomes end-of-life at the release of OpenPLi 8.
* OpenPLi 4 has been declared end-of-life. It will not be built anymore, and can no longer be downloaded for receivers for which an OpenPLi 6 exists. Receivers for which OpenPLi 4 was the last supported version are declared end-of-life on our download pages.
[[Releasenotes-7.0|See the releasenotes]]
<span style="color:Red;font-size: 100%"><u>Attention!!</u><br/>
*Due to a server hardware crash the 7.0-release and 7.1-release images were lost
*Due to the fact all 7-release images share the same feed, only the last version can be build and that is 7.2
*If you are currently on OpenPLi 7.0 or 7.1, DO NOT USE software update, but use the "Flash Image" menu option!
In the future we're continuing developing which results in new releases, but there will be a difference in releasing...<br />
<br clear=all>
We will only be releasing stable versions now. So changes that you'll notice is when there is an update from OpenPLi 6.0 to 6.1 and future versions. Developing will be done internally and home builders can also make an extraction of our develop version.  
=='''OpenPLi 6.2''' - Tweak and Tune.==
[[File:OpenPLi 6.2.png|frameless|right]]
Should you wait for a long period for a new release? Well, that depends.. If a new feature is ready, that feature will become public. It can sometimes take weeks, but also months before a feature becomes available.  
<small>Release date 14 April 2018</small><br/><br/>
New receiver support for Zgemma support for the H9, Axas E4HD 4K Ultra, Qviart Lunix / Lunix3 4K. New drivers for the Xtend ET8000 / ET1000 Bugfixes and introduction of new features.
We also have rebuild our Wiki and made a lot of new articles to read. We will continue to expand our wiki to make it a handy knowledge base for our supported receivers. Have a look at: https://wiki.openpli.org
'''Known Issues'''
* Mode 12 is not always possible due to hardware limitations of the SOC. Further investigation is needed.
[[Releasenotes-6.2|See the releasenotes]]
To be clear, for the following brands/models there won't be an OpenPLi 6.0:<br />
<br clear=all>
* DM800SE, DM500HD (insufficient flash space), DM7020HD (no member has the appropriate Hardware)
* Golden Interstar (all models, no BSP support from the manufacturer for the OE upgrade)
* Wetek Play (no BSP available with Gstreamer 1.x support)
OpenPLi 4 will remain available for these models, once OpenPLi 6.0 Release is available, we'll have a look to see if we can find a way to refresh things like satellites.xml, channel lists, picons, etc for OpenPLi 4 without having to build new images.  
=='''OpenPLi 6.1''' - Improvement of a good image.==
[[File:OpenPLi 6.1.png|frameless|right]]
<small>Release date 22 December 2017</small><br/><br/>
New receiver support for Amiko Viper Combo, Amiko Viper T2/C, VU+ Uno 4K SE, Zgemma H6, Edision OSnino. Bugfixes and introduction of new features.
'''Known Issues'''
<u>'''New features:'''</u>
* Due to problems with the overscan wizard, Xtrend ET8000 and ET10000 images can have display problems. We are still looking for a solution for this problem.
* Changed menu structure and reintroduce user levels. Default is basic. - [[Tips_and_Tweaks#Menu_Levels | See: Tips and Tweaks ]]
* On a Mutant HD51 with mode 12 active, you can not use Video 60p frequency. With mode 1 everything is fine.
* If you upgrade on the box, avahi-daemon might not want to restart (see fix in the releasenotes).
* Remove any (default) cam from the setup wizard. Let the user decide if, and if yes which cam to use.
* Upgrade Gstreamer version to 1.12.2 - <u>'''Note:'''</u> HLS streams are not working well.. this will be fixed in a next release
* Center DVB subtitles per service (which also solve the 'destroyed' subtitles on some services e.g. ARD, ZDF)
* New ECM info screen that includes provider IDs (at menu->about->serviceInfo->green) - [[Tips_and_Tweaks#ECM_info | See: Tips and Tweaks]]
* Multistream support for DVB-S2X tuners
* Pluginbrowser - Allow two digit number selection in plugins. - When you are in the Plugin browser menu and want to use the 11th plugin, you can press 11 to open the 11th plugin directly.
* Default the bouquet numbering is changed to Alternative numbering mode. - To alter this, go to user interface and set Alternative number mode to no.
* Samba has been upgraded from version 3 to version 4
[[Releasenotes-6.1|See the releasenotes]]
* Timer with repeating timer that are user defined created fixed.  
<u>'''Notice to HDMI-CEC users:'''</u> <br />
<br clear=all>
By default the HDMI-CEC option is turned off. If you want to use the HDMI-CEC function...
# Go to Menu->Setup->System->Customize
# Put the Setup mode to Advanced and press green (OK)
# Select Audio / Video->HDMI-CEC setup and Enable the function.
<U>'''Notice to Autobackup users:'''</u><br />
=='''OpenPLi 6.0''' - The long awaited OpenPLi 6.0 heralds a new era of OpenPLi images.==
This tool can only be used when no major upgrade has been done in Enigma eg. OpenPLi 4 backup and restore with OpenPLi 6.0.
<small>Release date 24 June 2017</small><br/><br/>  
As of this release, we no longer release automated nightly beta images, but use a develop -> release candidate -> release flow, with fully tested and stable images as a result.
'''Known Issues'''
* When you create a CIFS mapping to a device mounted under /media, you get an "out of space on device" error. We are still looking for a solution for this problem.
* The xmltvimport plugin no longer exists. This may give an error if you restore a backup of OpenPLi 4 on OpenPLi 6.0. To address this, install EPGimport from the plugin menu.
[[Releasenotes-6.0|See the releasenotes]]
''More information about ''<br />
Multistream: [[Multistream | Look at: Multistream ]]<br />
GStreamer: [[GStreamer | Look at: GStreamer]]<br />
<br clear=all>

Revision as of 14:20, 13 July 2024

Major releases (like 8 => 9) you must flash, preferably using the menu and choosing the backup option, then everything is restored after the flash. When there is no Hard disk present use an USB stick. 
Minor releases (like 8.1 => 8.2) are updates, so updating will suffice!

OpenPLi 9.0 - Migrated to Python 3

OpenPLi 9.0.jpg

Release date 23 October 2023


We are exited to announce the release of OpenPLi 9.0. As this is a major release flashing is required. With this version we switched to Python version 3 and it was build with a new OE version, as said flashing is needed, so you can not update to get to version 9. Flashing is preferably done from the menu. Please note, that with the migration to Python 3, not all the plugins will be available in the OpenPLi 9 feeds, this due to them not being actively maintained (Python 2) and could cause a crash, so they were removed. If you get them from the internet, check carefully in advance whether it is a version suitable for Python 3!

With this release there is new stuff and of course many improvements and it is now available for download at OpenPLi. So come and follow the link below and have a look at the release notes of OpenPLi 9.0 to see what has changed.

See the releasenotes

OpenPLi 8.3 - Last minor, but not least

OpenPLi 8.3.jpg

Release date 18 september 2022


We are exited to announce the release of OpenPLi 8.3 As this is a minor release updating will suffice. This is the last version that is compiled using Python 2, we will officially retire Python version 2, and switch to Python version 3 for next releases.

With this release there is new stuff and of course many improvements and it is now available for download at OpenPLi. So come and follow the link below and have a look at the release notes of OpenPLi 8.3 to see what has changed.

See the releasenotes

OpenPLi 8.2 - Seasoned and improved

OpenPLi 8.2.jpg

Release date 22 May 2022


We are exited to announce the release of OpenPLi 8.2 As this is a minor release updating will suffice.

With this release there is new stuff and of course many improvements and it is now available for download at OpenPLi. So come and follow the link below and have a look at the release notes of OpenPLi 8.2 to see what has changed.

See the releasenotes

OpenPLi 8.1 - A bit too late


Release date 20 august 2021

So we are pleased to announce the release of OpenPLi 8.1. Due to issues with the version database on our build server farm when doing a major hardware upgrade, you MUST flash this version. If you update an existing 8.0 image, the result is undefined, due to incorrect package versions.

See the releasenotes

OpenPLi 8.0 - Eight is great

OpenPLi 8.jpg

Release date 30 december 2020

So we are pleased to announce the release of OpenPLi 8. As this is a major release it was build with a new OE version and flashing is needed, so you can not update to get to version 8. Flashing is preferably done from the menu.

With this release there is new stuff and of course many improvements and it is now available for download at OpenPLi. So come and follow the link below and have a look at the release notes of OpenPLi 8 to see what has changed.

See the releasenotes

OpenPLi 7.3 - Fine tuning a seasoned image

OpenPLi 7.3.jpg

Release date 15 july 2020

Already in it's 4th fase, OpenPLi 7 has been fine tuned and we are pleased to announce this latest release of OpenPLi. Now it is available for download at OpenPLi. So come and follow the link below and have look at the release notes of OpenPLi 7.3 to see the highlights of what has changed.

See the releasenotes

OpenPLi 7.2 - Higher and better

OpenPLi 7.2.png

Release date 7 December 2019

We are pleased to announce the latest release of OpenPLi and it is now available for download at OpenPLi. As of this version, new in the release notes are the details on driver updates per vendor. So come and follow the link below and have a look at the release notes of OpenPLi 7.2 to see the highlights of what has changed.

There were release updates on 2nd and one on 23rd march of 2020, these have bugfixes and introduces new images for the Octagon SF8008 and Edision OS Mini 4K, further details are in the release notes link below

See the releasenotes


  • Due to a server hardware crash the 7.0-release and 7.1-release images were lost
  • Due to the fact all 7-release images share the same feed, only the last version can be build and that is 7.2
  • If you are currently on OpenPLi 7.0 or 7.1, DO NOT USE software update, but use the "Flash Image" menu option!

OpenPLi 7.1 - Better than 7

OpenPLi 7.1.jpg

Release date 22 June 2019

Adding support for the Vu Duo4K, the Gamma Curve and a few more, also more functionality added; like multiboot for certain receivers. So come and follow the link below and have look at the release notes of OpenPLi 7.1.

Note: Combined tuners must be reconfigured after an update or flash. This is due to improving tuner management, which is not fully backwards compatible. Tuners that can work 'combined' are therefore 'default' disabled here.
See the releasenotes


  • Due to a server hardware crash the 7.0-release and 7.1-release images were lost
  • Due to the fact all 7-release images share the same feed, only the last version can be build and that is 7.2
  • If you are currently on OpenPLi 7.0 or 7.1, DO NOT USE software update, but use the "Flash Image" menu option!

OpenPLi 7.0 - Many improvements

OpenPLi 7.png

Release date 13 January 2019

Support for the Gamma Curve (aka SDR/HDR/HLG), changes to Samba, Fallback tuner possibilities extended, support for many Wifi USB chipsets, bugfixes and introduction of new features.

With this release:

  • OpenPLi 6.x has been declared end-of-support. It will no longer receive any bugfixes. Channel lists, transponder XML's and picons will be updated on a weekly basis, until it becomes end-of-life at the release of OpenPLi 8.
  • OpenPLi 4 has been declared end-of-life. It will not be built anymore, and can no longer be downloaded for receivers for which an OpenPLi 6 exists. Receivers for which OpenPLi 4 was the last supported version are declared end-of-life on our download pages.

See the releasenotes


  • Due to a server hardware crash the 7.0-release and 7.1-release images were lost
  • Due to the fact all 7-release images share the same feed, only the last version can be build and that is 7.2
  • If you are currently on OpenPLi 7.0 or 7.1, DO NOT USE software update, but use the "Flash Image" menu option!

OpenPLi 6.2 - Tweak and Tune.

OpenPLi 6.2.png

Release date 14 April 2018

New receiver support for Zgemma support for the H9, Axas E4HD 4K Ultra, Qviart Lunix / Lunix3 4K. New drivers for the Xtend ET8000 / ET1000 Bugfixes and introduction of new features.

Known Issues

  • Mode 12 is not always possible due to hardware limitations of the SOC. Further investigation is needed.

See the releasenotes

OpenPLi 6.1 - Improvement of a good image.

OpenPLi 6.1.png

Release date 22 December 2017

New receiver support for Amiko Viper Combo, Amiko Viper T2/C, VU+ Uno 4K SE, Zgemma H6, Edision OSnino. Bugfixes and introduction of new features.

Known Issues

  • Due to problems with the overscan wizard, Xtrend ET8000 and ET10000 images can have display problems. We are still looking for a solution for this problem.
  • On a Mutant HD51 with mode 12 active, you can not use Video 60p frequency. With mode 1 everything is fine.
  • If you upgrade on the box, avahi-daemon might not want to restart (see fix in the releasenotes).

See the releasenotes

OpenPLi 6.0 - The long awaited OpenPLi 6.0 heralds a new era of OpenPLi images.

OpenPLi 6.0.png

Release date 24 June 2017

As of this release, we no longer release automated nightly beta images, but use a develop -> release candidate -> release flow, with fully tested and stable images as a result.

Known Issues

  • When you create a CIFS mapping to a device mounted under /media, you get an "out of space on device" error. We are still looking for a solution for this problem.
  • The xmltvimport plugin no longer exists. This may give an error if you restore a backup of OpenPLi 4 on OpenPLi 6.0. To address this, install EPGimport from the plugin menu.

See the releasenotes