Main Page
Today is: Thursday, March 13 2025, Welcome to the OpenPLi Wiki
Current version 6.2
OpenPLi - Installation and configuration:
• Supported Receivers
Overview of all supported receivers. Also there is a comparison table were many receivers are listed and are compared right down to component level, so you can make an easier choice if you want to buy one. Also there is a special table that gives the power consumption of many receivers.
• OpenPLi installation
Here will be explained how to install OpenPLi on your receiver, various methods are explained and below are the various links that you might need. The link to the what, how and why to backup is recommended.
• Backup
Before you update, upgrade of change anything it is good to have a backup. Here the plugins "Autobackup" (by default installed) and the "BackupSuite" (has to be installed) are explained.
• Cable settings information
Looking for network ID's, symbolrates and frequency's to scan your cable channels..? Here you can find the information of our cable provider.
• Channel Settings for satellite receivers
Channel settings file for various satellites.
• External device support
Here you will find a list of known external devices that are known to work with OpenPLi.
• Softcam Wiki
When you want to look at encrypted channels and not only Free to Air (FTA) you can use a softcam. In this section is explained how to install and use a few.
• Tips and Tweaks
Many useful tips on various stuff on working with OpenPLi, Putty, SSD useful or not, debugging, how to crashlog, etc. etc.
OpenPLi - Functions and default plugins
• Hidden functions
Some functions are not easy to find, but can be very helpful, here there are a few.
This feature can make your devices work better together, so like using one remote to control TV and receiver. Note it is turned off by default
• Hotkey
With this function Hotkeys can be (un)selected to make things easier.
• MountManager
Here the mountmanager is explained. It is used to mount (make) accessible external drives, like with a NAS or (the harddisk of) other receivers. Mounting means associating a storage device to a particular location in the directory tree.
• Plugin browser
If want to extend the functions of OpenPLi you can install plugins from the feed. Remember these plugins are not maintained by OpenPLi, so always backup before installing.
• Remote Fallback Tuner
This function gives you the option to use the tuners from another OpenPLi receiver, when they are wired or wireless (WiFi) connected. This way you can look TV when there is no access to satellite or cable or expand your tuners.
• Webif
Information about the Webif (webinterface) and how to access and configure it.
OpenPLi - Information for advanced users
• Knowledge base
Many useful information on various subjects.